Think libraries just loan books?
Introducing The Eclectic Collection, a collection of non-traditional items available for checkout. Look for The Eclectic Collection display at the front of the library. Board games and the Seed Library are located near the Information Desk. To borrow an item, bring the item or its card to the Checkout Desk. Items can be checked out for two weeks with no reserves or renewals. A maximum of two Eclectic Collection items may be checked out per card.
Overdue fees will be charged for an item not returned by its due date at the rate of $5 per day. Borrowers will be held responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items or accessories. New cardholders may not borrow Eclectic Collection items at their first checkout.
What's In the Collection
Sensory Items and Kits

Cognitive Health Kits

Wellness Items

Gardening Tools
Seasonal items: available early March - October 31

Recreation Items and Kits

Available early March - October 31

Available early March - October 31

Musical Instruments

Computer Peripherals and Electronics

Home Maintenance Items

Miscellaneous Items

Available early March - October 31
Board Games
Look for board games near the Information Desk and in the Children's Department. Board games are fine free.