Research Databases: C
Chilton's Exclusive photographs, diagnostics designed by instructors, step-by-step repair procedures, Maintenance schedules, wiring diagrams, recalls and Service Bulletins. |
Cleveland Necrology File The Cleveland Necrology File contains local cemetery records and newspaper death notices for the following years: 1833, 1847-1848, 1850-1975. |
Cleveland News Index Includes information for local news stories, feature articles and reviews from The Plain Dealer (1983-June 1999), Cleveland Magazine (1983-present), Northern Ohio Live (Sept. 1990-June 2009), and Ohio Magazine (Oct.1990 -present). |
Community Legal Aid Community Legal Aid is a non-profit law firm serving the legal needs of low-income individuals and families in central northeast Ohio. |
Computer Source Provides researchers with the latest information and current trends in high technology. |
Consumer Health Complete Designed for the everyday consumer of health care information, convenient access to easily understandable health and medical information. |
Consumer Reports Search Consumer Reports magazine for full text articles from 1991 to the present. |